Mat 16:13-18
• Even deliverance should be based on revelation.
• When a person truly catches a revelation, their deliverance will be permanent.
• Revelation will give you victory.
Eph 1:15-18
• When you truly understand a scripture, you come into revelation.
• Having information about something is being aware of it.
• Merely being aware of something isn’t enough to help you.
• Many people know that God is powerful, even those who do not worship Him. However ,that is enough to see His power.
• Revelation uncovers what is hidden so that you can apply it.
• Application of revealed knowledge is wisdom.
• If a believer does not have understanding, he is no different from a non-believer and what non-believers face is what he too will face.
• Revelation is what separates us from the rest.
• Jesus didn’t change the names of all the disciples but only of Peter who caught the revelation.
• The bible is God’s will for us.
• How many children of God know what is entitled to them in the will?
• The main duty of the Holy Spirit is to align us to the will of God.
Rom 8:26, 12:1-2
• Revelation shows you:
1. what you have been called to in Christ (your identity)
2. that you have an inheritance among the saints
3. the power that is at work in you
• If you know your future, you cannot be afraid (Acts 27:22-25, 2 Kings 6:15-17, Luke 24:45).
1. SUPERNATURAL FAITH (Phili 4:13, 1 John 2:20, Acts 8:26-30)
• Faith becomes automatic once revelation is caught.
2. DIVINE GUIDANCE (Ps 119:105)
• The revealed word is a lamp to your feet.
3. SANCTIFICATION (John 17:17)
4. BREAKTHROUGHS (Luke 5:4-7)
7. DIVINE STRENGTH (Dan 11:32)
8. BOLDNESS (Acts 4:13)
9. PROMOTION (Dan 2:19, 48)
10. LONG LIFE (Job 33:23-26, Luke 2:25-26)
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When you have a key, you have access.
When you have a key, you have access.