Deut 2:1-9, 2 Chron 20:1-25
• Pray intelligently.
• Only wise people turn to God for help.
• When you face battles in life and all you see is yourself and how you are dealing with those battles, you have lost. You need to go back and see yourself in the midst of covenants, to what God said.
• God doesn’t get involved in some battles because when things are going well, we push Him aside.
• In God’s system, you get rich by entrustment.
• If you are not aligned with Him, you cannot be entrusted.
• The problem with many christians is that when they are praying, they heard and see nothing.
• You need to invoke every aspect of the covenant for God to step in.
• If God is going to take over your battles, there is a position you must take.
• To God, being still is a proof of faith in Him.
• If you are shaking, it means you are in action.
• How can you and God both be in action?
• The proof that you don’t believe God is that you are still afraid, conscious of your enemy and problem.
• The word of the Lord changes seasons.
• It is the speakings of prophets that make people prosper.
• Don’t dilute the word of the Lord by your human expectations.