– A set time is different from the running of a clock as per usual, a set time is only a moment/moments.
What happens when God remembers a man?
– He visits a man.
– Change comes when you discern the time that God set and you are right in it.
– It takes a going up in order to see what is coming.
Hab 2:1-3
– The reason why God is not appearing to you is because you are not ready.
– The company you keep and environment that you are found in can affect the dreams that you are having.
– When the heavens open, you will know what heaven is saying concerning your appointed time.
– A vision is God’s plan for your life as revealed to you.
– There is always a word from heaven that can change your story.
Meaning of salt
1. Salt is as a covenant (2 Chron 13:5, lev 2:13, Num 18:19)
– Salt acts as a preservative.
– It is instrumental in making things last longer.
2. Salt is symbol of friendship and loyalty, it does not change so it makes relationships to be long lasting.
– It is a symbol of God’s everlasting love for us.
3. Salt adds flavour to food (Matt 5:13-14).
– Jesus represents salt, He preserves life.