• It is the anointing you serve that works for you.
• It is the anointing you serve that keeps on increasing in your life.
2 Kings 4:8-13
• If you have not prepared a place for God first in your heart and in your home, God will not be there.
• God needs an atmosphere and a place.
• Differentiate what you do for God and what you do for man, don’t treat them the same.
• Money is in the center of God’s will.
• Don’t move businesses anyhow. A business that may be thriving in one town may die in another town, seek God first.
Psa 20:1-3
• Being a partner makes you a partaker of the grace you are partnering with.
• If you have attended the Healing School and received a miracle there is no reason why you shouldn’t be a partner of the Healing School.
2 Cor 8:1-7
1. Those who are saying, “Lord what is happening to me?”
2. Those who are saying, “what is the mystery behind my predicament?”
3. Those who are saying, “why am i like this?”
4. Those who are saying, “why this repeated affliction?”
5. Those who are victims of prolonged attacks.
6. Those who have prayed all manner of prayers and yet nothing is happening.
7. Those who keep moving from one trouble to another.
8. Those who have been stagnated embarrassingly for so long.
9. Those whose dream land has become a battle ground.
10. Those who have never enjoyed any good in life and destiny and age is catching up with them.
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When you have a key, you have access.
When you have a key, you have access.
When you have a key, you have access.