⭕️Men are deceived to think that every day is the same.
⭕️Pain just indicates a desire for change but doesn’t change anything.
⭕️Knowledge is the only seed that brings about change.
⭕️The earth is a womb and yields the harvest of any seed planted in it.
Jeremiah 6:19,
⭕️Your body is related to the earth.
⭕️Those who want to harm your body have to cooperate with the earth.
⭕️Those who want to bless your existence have to cooperate with the earth.
Numbers 23:20
⭕️The original programming for man is to be fruitful and multiply.
Jeremiah 22:29, Isaiah 1:19
⭕️If the earth doesn’t hear dominion, you can’t dominate.
⭕️You can’t tie God to a method
John 14:12
⭕️2024 Will be a good year for us. If you tie yourself to systems, it will not be good for you.
⭕️If 2024 is the year of great light for us, that means it is gross darkness for others.
⭕️Every blessing in the bible has a condition. There is what you must do in order to have it.
⭕️2024 is a great year, but only for those who know their God.
⭕️To walk with God is not easy, and in many cases, it is a lonely journey. Hearing the voice of God is not an entitlement for pastors but for every child of God
Romans 10:17
⭕️You cannot fulfill your destiny without faith.
John 8:38
⭕️It is your identity that makes you to react in a certain way.
⭕️That you’re in this Crossover Service doesn’t not mean things will go well with you, there are decisions you must make. The decision to run away from wickedness and serve God.
⭕️Sin blunts your sensitivity to God’s voice.
2 Corinthians 11:14
⭕️God knows where he has placed you and expects you to listen more to your ‘Moses’ than anywhere else.
⭕️It wasn’t jumping around that changed the life of the prodigal son, it was reasoning.
Luke 15:18
⭕️You have to face the sun for your shadow to disappear
⭕️A year of great light entails great illumination, meaning things you couldn’t see before you’ll see by reason of light.
a. Speed is an additional benefit as you can see your path.
2.Great Empowerment.
⭕️Light brings empowerment, which produces glory.
⭕️This happens because light brings great understanding.
⭕️This understanding leads to empowerment.
3.Guidance. (Dan 5:11-12)
4.Enthronement. (Dan 5:11-12)
⭕️For your eye to be single, you need to have light (Matt 6:22)
⭕️This is the time that certain things that couldn’t be handled with the little light we had will be handled.
Category 1:
⭕️People familiar with church but have not surrendered to Christ. Includes people who knew the Lord but are backslidden.
⭕️We escape the hands of the enemy by the decisions we make
John 11:44
⭕️When you’re in a ditch, you need someone to help you to come out.
Isa 10:27
⭕️The anointing doesn’t only set free, it empowers a person to walk in a path that God has ordained for them.
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Which spirit has an upper hand in your life?
Which spirit has an upper hand in your life?
Which spirit has an upper hand in your life?