Deuteronomy 4:3-4
⭕️You stick to the Lord by sticking to His word.
⭕️God deals with us as individuals.
⭕️To fulfill what God has put into your hands, you must be willing to pay the sacrifice that it takes.
⭕️The sacrifices are prescribed by God to individuals.
⭕️You can’t use the sacrifice prescribed by God to another person.
⭕️The Lord leads us according to His own preparations but you must be willing to be led.
⭕️The food for spirits is sacrifice.
⭕️Any spirit you sacrifice to will empower you; whether it’s a demon spirit or the Holy Spirit.
⭕️Until your life comes to a point where it is a sacrifice, spirits are not yet willing to commit to you.
⭕️Your own breakthrough that God should do for you will require sacrifice too because God wants to be sure that you will be committed to Him even after the breakthrough arrives.
⭕️Solomon built only one temple for the living God and several temples for other gods.
⭕️God has been dealing with humans for a long time.
⭕️The problem with us is that we usually change for worse and not for better.
⭕️We should fight in order to not change for worse.
⭕️God hates it when people forget what He has done for them.
⭕️ When you forget those who helped you, you bring yourself under a curse.
⭕️The animal of forgetfulness is hanging around each one of us and we need to keep God close in order to keep it away from us.
2 Chronicles 24:17, 22-23
⭕️Change doesn’t just happen; it comes from a voice.
⭕️Satan sends people with a voice that causes someone to change and head in a wrong direction.
⭕️That voice could even be from a brother or sister in the church.
⭕️When God wants to lift a man, He sends a voice and when satan wants to derail a person, he will send a voice.
Psalm 78:42
What is to reign?
⭕️To hold a royal office or have sovereign power.
⭕️To dominate, to prevail, to rule.
⭕️As born-again christians, we were born for victory and to be victorious in life and destiny.
⭕️Your identity is a very strong point of reaction against all the assaults of the enemy.
⭕️You reject or accept something on the basis of who you are.
2 Corinthians 5:16
⭕️There is nothing that frustrates grace than your ignorance of it.
⭕️Your reign in life by the life of Christ at work in you that came when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
⭕️To be born again is not to change church.
⭕️You are not a human being.
⭕️Any new creation in Christ is a threat to satan.
⭕️When you are born-again, you are a brand new being that has come into existence.
⭕️Understanding that you are new creation is crucial to victorious living.
What does the scripture teach about new creation?
1.The new creation possesses a new, holy and divine nature (2 Peter 1:1⭕️4, Ephesians 4:24)
⭕️Your new spirit was created in God’s image and likeness.
⭕️New creation doesn’t have two natures, it only has God’s kind of nature in its spirit.
⭕️New creation is no longer a slave of sin but a slave of righteousness.
⭕️This is why when you sin it becomes offensive to you because it is against your nature.
2.The new creation possesses eternal / everlasting life (John 3:36, 14:6)
⭕️In Adam we were dead and cut off from God but now we are alive in Christ.
⭕️You no longer have human life in you but the God-kind of life in you.
⭕️Eternal life is not a future promise but it is a present reality.
3.The new creation possesses the spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9-10, Galatians 4:6, 1 Corinthians 6:17, 15:48)
⭕️If the spirit of Christ is not in you, you are not born again.
⭕️When you are dealing with devils, they see you the way they see Christ.
4.The new creation possesses the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16, Hebrews 8:10-11, 1 John 2:20, 27)
⭕️If you have the mind of Christ it means you can do all things.
⭕️The only limitation there is, is the limitation in your body.
5.The new creation in Christ is God’s beloved
You are unconditionally, completely and eternally loved, favoured, pleasing and acceptable to God.
1.New beginnings (Romans 3:23-24)
2.New relationship (Ephesians 2:13)
3.New identity (1 Peter 2:9-10)
⭕️You are no longer on your own, you belong to Christ.
4.New creation gives you a new destiny (Philippians 3:20-21)
⭕️Destiny comes from your destination.
⭕️When you were in the world, hell was your destination and everything you were doing was leading you to hell.
5.It gives you a new position (Ephesians 2:6)
⭕️Your seat has now changed.
6.New power (Acts 1:8)
7.New purpose (Ephesians 2:10)
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