⭕️The word glory first appeared in the bible in Genesis 31:1.
⭕️The Hebrew translation glory is kabod. Kabod means:
6.Power or majesty
7.Influence or great honour
8.It expresses fame, reputation, recognition, beauty, magnificence, strength, respect and excellence.
Exodus 33:19
⭕️The essence of who God is, is called glory.
⭕️Glory of God is the total sum of his attributes, character and intrinsic virtues, the brilliance of His presence and the splendour of His majesty.
1 Corinthians 2:7, Romans 8:29-31, John 17:21, 24, 1:14
⭕️Glory doesn’t just mean a shining light, it means all the attributes of God.
Isaiah 12:4, Luke 9:29-31, Exodus 33:19, John 12:23-24
⭕️It is the glory of God that brings about distinction.
⭕️If we are going to be like everybody else, there is no need for people to be attracted to our God.
⭕️If we preach the gospel without the demonstration of God’s glory, people won’t believe it.
⭕️The glory of God can only come from God and God has systems that we can use to contact His glory.
⭕️Chief amongst those systems is the altar of prayer.
⭕️Self abandonment (death to self) is the pathway to God’s glory.
⭕️You cannot carry God’s glory when you have a wrong garment on you.
Isaiah 60:1-3, 11, 14, 58:8 (NLT)
⭕️People go to kings; kings don’t go to people.
⭕️When a king leaves to go to another king, he has observed that that king could be a king higher than him.
1 Kings 4:29-31, 10:1
⭕️The best way to pray for favour is to pray that your glory manifest.
⭕️Money follows a certain status in people.
⭕️People don’t give much to a poor person but they give much more to a rich person.
⭕️You can package yourself as a poor person thinking that people will help you but they will not.
⭕️How many poor people have been given cars? How many rich people who already have cars have been given more cars?
⭕️Glory is a weapon.
Esther 5:1-3
1.Great illumination (Isaiah 60:3)
2.Supernatural defense (Isaiah 58:8, 4:5)
3.Distinction (Isaiah 60:1-3)
4.Supernatural provision (Isaiah 60:1-5, 1 Kings 10:1-2, Philippians 4:19)
⭕️The difference between one pastor and another is glory, and what they can attract is dependent on the glory that is on them.
⭕️As you change in glory, you are also changing your supplies.
⭕️In glory you don’t chase things, they come to you.
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