Amos 3:3
⭕️Spirits will reveal their intentions to their agents and their agents will announce in the earthly realm in order for their agenda to be carried out.
⭕️Our duty every day is to distinguish voices.
⭕️The voice of God and the voice of the stranger might appear the same to someone who is not schooled in the things of the spirit.
⭕️At the end of the day, where you end up in life and destiny will depend on the voice you were listening to and obeying.
⭕️There must be a voice that you obey.
⭕️When a voice comes and you go in the direction of that voice, something will change in your life, whether for good or for bad.
⭕️It is words that create atmospheres and future.
John 10:27
⭕️The spirits of lust, love, failure, success are transported through a voice.
⭕️The words of God bring us life and the words of the enemy bring us death.
Deuteronomy 8:3, 28:1, 2 Timothy 3:15, Jeremiah 1:5-6
⭕️Until what you hear is seen, you will not step into it.
Numbers 13:33
⭕️No man will ever manifest anything beyond their self-estimation.
⭕️Whatever you think you’ll become is the only think you can become.
⭕️Those who don’t want to be involved in battle will have nothing in this life.
⭕️Without warfare there is no settlement.
⭕️It has been given by God but there is a responsibility on your part.
⭕️Every man has a battle.
⭕️Those devils you don’t want to confront will attack your children.
⭕️Every altar has a name.
Exodus 17:15
⭕️The inheritance you can leave your children is the blessing.
⭕️When people are blind, they don’t go for the blessing.
⭕️As we hear what God is saying, we must see it so that we observe to do.
1 Timothy 4:12-15
⭕️There is a profiting to the gift/the word you receive but it won’t happen until you meditate.
⭕️Appearing of the profit is called testimony.
⭕️It is meditation that helps you to see what is said.
⭕️Faith comes alive when you see it.
Hebrews 4:1-2
⭕️What will determine the profiting of the word of God in you and another person that has heard the word is stirring.
⭕️Prayer and fasting stirs the word in you.
⭕️The power that is going to solve your problems is coming from inside you.
Ephesians 3:20, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Romans 8:6
⭕️To be mindful of natural things is how carnality steps in.
⭕️Meditation requires attention and time – you have to be deliberate about it.
1 Kings 21:25
⭕️How you move from this life to another one is a function of the voice you hear and the pictures you see.
Philippians 4:8 is our syllabus for thought.
⭕️Thoughts are the real seeds for tomorrow.
⭕️Even God is limited by what we think or imagine.
Jeremiah 1:11-12
⭕️There is always speed in God to perform His word if you can see what He is saying.
⭕️Before you react to whatever you hear, enquire if God is behind it.
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