⭕️God is reliable and dependable.
⭕️God is faithful.
⭕️It doesn’t make sense to follow someone without understanding them and what you are following for.
⭕️God can’t be tricked. God can’t be bribed.
⭕️God can see a man from their future as He looks at them today.
⭕️There are two kingdoms that are at war with each other: The Kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness.
⭕️You cannot be in the middle; you must belong to one kingdom.
Genesis 15:1, 13-14, Exodus 12:12
⭕️Certain struggles you might be going through in life are sponsored from somewhere.
⭕️You becoming what God wants for you is a big problem for the enemy because it means He’ll have to be punished for having kept you somewhere.
⭕️The enemy is our adversary, our opposer.
⭕️There is no neutral place.
⭕️You are either affected positively by the kingdom of God or you are affected by the kingdom of darkness.
⭕️Satan will never allow you to have money until you have completely surrendered on his side.
⭕️To have the fullness of God, you must also fully surrender to God.
Revelation3:16, Jeremiah 29:10, Daniel 10:13
⭕️Whatever God promises you has giants in it.
⭕️What you are supposed to have is already in the hands of somebody else.
⭕️Trying to come out of whatever situation you are in, without advancement, is a lie.
⭕️Trying to break family curses without advancement is a lie.
Exodus 2:11-15
⭕️Many Christians are trying to live a Christian life without power and yet the forces that are contending with them have power.
Matthew 2:13
⭕️There are some destinies will never manifest until some destinies that are holding them die.
Revelation 12:1-6, 2 Kings 6:14
⭕️Be mindful of what is happening in the spirit realm.
Exodus 3:3, 4:12, 7:1-14
⭕️People who have curiosity end up being creative.
⭕️Until you are spiritually advanced to practically manifest dominion, you cannot enter your promised land because that devil will not let you go.
⭕️Our battles are not the things we see with our eyes.
⭕️Even when Satan is the one afflicting you, there will be a physical diagnosis if you go to the Hospital.
⭕️The moment Satan has killed your desire to get closer to God in prayer, he has killed your destiny.
⭕️You can’t defeat Satan in the arm of the flesh.
⭕️Not having a desire to get closer to God is a disease.
⭕️Be careful with distractions.
⭕️If you don’t know how to prioritize things that matter, you will end up as a statistic in life and destiny.
Psalm 42:1
⭕️How many hours of the twenty-four hours in the day do you tithe to God?
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