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Revelation 5:12
All the virtues Jesus received were not physical but they were conveyed by a Spirit.
Everything that is to be done from the spirit realm to this physical realm has to be conveyed by a spirit.
Behind lust, stealing, disobedience, and other evil vices is a spirit.
Every virtue God has, including love, is conveyed by His Spirit.
Ephesians 1:3, Ezekiel 2:2
The primary way in which spirits will enter a man is through words.
Satan will never tell you to give a high amount to God.
Words in a song can also transmit spirits.
If you sleep while the preaching of the word is going on; you have missed whatever was packaged for you.
Grace doesn’t exist in a tangible form that you can touch but it is conveyed through the Spirit of God.
Honor is one of the virtues Jesus received in Revelation 5:12, therefore, it is conveyed by the Spirit.
1) High respect, great esteem.
2) To regard with great respect.
3) A reward or prize, title that publicly expresses your admiration and respect.
4) Give someone public praise or reward.
If there is no respect or esteem, there is no honor.
Esteem connotes differentiation.
You cannot esteem one thing better than another if you have not compared the two and observed the difference.
Don’t make the mistake of treating God like a man.
Deuteronomy 26:19, 1 Chronicles 16:27, 29:12, 28
If God has honor, it means He can give it to others.
For God to have something, it means that thing matters a lot to God.
God can make a person great because He has ability to make great.
Of the 7 things Jesus received, the church has the least understanding of Honor, which has resulted in many not even having access to the other 6 things.
God is deliberate about the issue of honor; it is very important to Him.
2 Chronicles 17:5, 18:1, 32:27
Honor is what put Solomon above all the kings of the earth, not riches.
If you don’t know something you cannot desire it.
Long life is as a result of strength and strength is what will make you live long.
When God injects you with strength you’ll be like Caleb.
Psalm 8:5
The willingness to reward or place value on someone for their distinctive difference.
If a man lacks wisdom he will not be able to detect honor.
You have to pass through the gate of wisdom to detect honor.
Your willingness to reward good above bad is what honor is.
When everything appears the same to you, you’ll never walk in honor.
1 Kings 3:8-9
The ability to differentiate things is called wisdom.
Whatever you don’t honor, you are not permitted to have or attract.
It is wisdom that decides your mentors.
Honor is a system God has put in place to give us access to His virtues.
If you see someone who’s succeeding in life, there is a particular voice that person has been honoring.
Similarly, if you see a frustrated person in life, there is a voice that person has been dishonoring.
Many are in problems because of the law of the first.
What did God tell you about your first salary? Your first increase?
Matthew 6:33 is about honor.
Honor is the access code in the kingdom of God.
Honor is not a gift, it is a reward, a payment for your actions