Accessing the grace upon your prophet
Hosea 12:13, 2 Chronicles 20:1-3, 14-15, 20, Numbers 16:9
Being a prophet is not by title but rather by function.
Prophets are God’s agents of a) rescue b) supernatural breakthroughs c) acceleration
There are embargoes the devil places on people in life.
Luke 7:16
What you are looking for may not necessarily be in heaven but God has placed it in a human being here on earth.
What is the purpose of prophets in our lives?
1.They help to guide us in the way that we should go (Numbers 11:17)
A prophet bears the burdens of the people that God sets them over, by the help of the spirit.
2.They protect, defend and cover us
3.They release grace for the spirit of accomplishment (Ezra 5:1-2, Matthew 10:41)
The grace to release speed and boost our results is with them.
Your number one helper here on earth is your prophet but you’ll have to battle to relate with them.
How do I access the grace that is carried by a prophet?
1.Have a craving, a strong desire for what they carry
Don’t try to stand on your own, ask for help.
3. Openly identify with your prophet
If you cannot openly identify with your prophet, you will not openly manifest the grace that he or she carries.
4.Have absolute faith in the person and ministry of your prophet (2 Chronicles 20:20)
5.Your soul must be connected to your prophet
This is what makes things flow. You need to have a soul tie with your prophet.
It is God that makes the soul-tie between you and your prophet so you cannot pretend to be connected.
When you truly have honor for your prophet it will show, not just to you but even to others
6.Honor them and serve them (2 Kings 3:11)
Service is the easiest way to tap into an anointing. The anointing that you serve is the anointing that easily works for you.
Some people disconnect themselves from a prophet as soon as they receive a miracle. The devil that was defeated for you to get that miracle has not been killed but only defeated.
The prophet has a higher grace than you.
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