Matthew 24:46, Luke 16:10, Hebrews 11:6
exetel: to investigate, to seek after, carefully, earnest effort, attentively
Diligence: a persevering determination to perform a task, the exercise of paying proper attention , carefulness , creative persistence and determination in any task or endeavor to achieve a determined goal.
Opposite of diligence is sloppiness, carelessness, negligence, laziness.
There is consistency, determination and continuity in diligence.
Diligence is an important requirement for any type of success, it is impossible to succeed without it.
In what areas is diligence required of us?
1. In the study and following of God’s word (Joshua 1:8)
Diligent attention should be applied to the word of God.
a. In studying (2 Timothy 2:15)
b. In obeying God’s word (2 Peter 3:14)
c. Meditation (Joshua 1:8)
d. Guarding our hearts (Proverbs 4:23, Hebrews 12:15, Proverbs 23:1-3)
e.In building our faith (Deuteronomy 4:9, 2 Peter 1:5)
f.In teaching the word (Jeremiah 12:16)
2. In seeking God in prayer (Deuteronomy 4:29, Hebrews 11:6,Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
To pray irregularly won’t help you.
3. In your assignment (2 Peter 1:10-11, Ecclesiastes 9:10 Proverbs 12:24,13:4, 10:4, 21:5, 12:27)
The type of work you do doesn’t matter but it is how diligent you are in it.
4. In kingdom service (Proverbs 27:23, Romans 12:11, Hebrews 6:11)
There is no reward in not doing something up to the end.
Some breakthroughs are waiting for a character reformation on your end.
5. In givings (Proverbs 11:27, Galatians 6:9, Hebrews 6:10-12)
It is only tireless giving that profits.
6. In pursuit of mentorship and spiritual impartation (Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2)
7. In fellowship with God and the saints (Hebrews 10:24-25)
What are the rewards of diligence?
1.Fulfilment Proverbs (13:4)
2. Resourcefulness and creativity (Proverbs 21:5, 12:27)
You can not be creative without diligence
3. Favor (Proverbs 22:29, 11:27)
4. Honor (Proverbs 22:29)
5. Authority (Proverbs 11:24)
6.Abundance (Proverbs 10:4)
The kind of work you do is not what will make you prosper.
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