• Do not take lightly the power of sounds.
• It is when sounds are made that spirits travel.
• Singings, enchantments that are properly focused make spirits to move.
• If men want the involvement of spirits, they must make the correct sound required by those spirits.
Luke 21:15, Psa 81:15, 149:3
• If you keep quiet, don’t blame God because you didn’t allow Him to travel.
• Music invites spirits.
Phili 4:6-7, Prov 4:23
• All the battles of life are battles of the mind.
• If you don’t make the sound that is expected, you can’t attract the spirit.
Ezek 2:2, 2 Chr 20:15
• Be careful who you listen to.
• Sorrow has a spirit and joy also has a spirit behind it.
Rom 14:17
• Do what God says you should do and leave the rest for Him.
1 Pet 5:7, Mat 6:27-34
• Cast all your cares upon the Lord.
• When you don’t cast your burdens upon the Lord, you are proud and think you can handle it all by yourself.
• You are carrying prophecies over your heard but if you are not careful you can abort them because you are looking at what has not yet happened.
Hab 2:3
• Thanksgiving is a very important key when everything is going wrong.
• A cry for God’s mercy is also an important key.
• Don’t become obsessed with possessions.
• Rejoice for whatever God gives you per time.
• Some people lose confidence and change their confessions of faith because of a temporary situation they are passing through.
Job 8:7, Eccl 7:8, Dan 4:29-33
• There are two dangers people face in December:
1. Not giving glory to God for all the liftings in your life.
2. Not glorifying God because your expectations were not met.
Hab 3:17-19
• Rejoicing will compel God’s Spirit to come into your situation, as bad as it is.
• Leave what you cannot handle for God.
• Take the posture of a fool according to human beings.
• The natural posture is to be angry because of what has not worked.
• There is a force that is released from God towards a man who chooses to look at Him instead of the negative things around Him.
• Where you are is another man’s prayer point.
• If you don’t end this year with thanksgiving, you have no place in 2025.
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Nobody puts God first and ends up a loser in life.
Nobody puts God first and ends up a loser in life.
Nobody puts God first and ends up a loser in life.