• God demands and expects thanksgiving from us.
• Not everything is acceptable to God, it must pass the test.
• Understanding is what makes a man to make the most of whatever thing they are involved in.
• Thanksgiving is a very powerful mystery when it comes to dealing with God.
• A mystery is something that is like a secret.
• When we see the things that God has done, when we see his majesty and goodness, its supposed to produce gratitude in us.
• Thanksgiving is the secret of glory. Jere 30:19
• God expects that when He does something, someone should be able to give him thanks for that particular thing.
• Don’t keep hearing and not understanding and applying because what you hear does have understanding until you do it.
• How often do we need mercy? We need mercy every single day.
• There is a great future for a man who is thankful.
• Glory is at the mercy of thanksgiving.
• Greatness is at the mercy of thanksgiving.
What are the mysteries that are in thanksgiving?
1. Thanksgiving provokes increase (Jer 30:19, 1 Cor 3:6)
• God is the master of increase.
• If a man wants to see increase, he must follow thanksgiving.
• If you remain the realm of facts, your life will always be limited.
• Prayer is not the mystery for increase, it is the mystery that shows you the mystery that engenders increase.
• Prayer is what helps us to access solutions to our challenges.
2. Thanksgiving creates an atmosphere for the miraculous (Acts 16:25, John 11:40)
• Thanksgiving is an invitation.
• When you have given thanks, you can call certain things and they will come to you.
3. Thanksgiving provokes divine visitation and encounters (Psa 100:1-4)
• You enter into the gates of God with thanksgiving to encounter him.
4. Thanksgiving establishes you into realms
• When God promises something to you, thanksgiving will make you get into what He has promised and you will be established there.
5. Thanksgiving brings deliverance (2 Chron 20:22, Psa 3:2, 91:7, Acts 16:25-26)
6. Thanksgiving causes the righteous to flourish in all seasons (Psa 92:1, 9-12)
7. Thanksgiving gives access to fresh anointing (Psa 92:10)
8. Thanksgiving makes a person to scale new heights (Hab 3:19)
9. Thanksgiving is what qualifies our prayers for answers.
How do we express our thanksgiving?
1. By words of appreciation / praises.
2. Serve God with your time, resources.
3. By the demonstration of praises (singing, dancing, clapping, etc).
4. By presenting our offerings, gifts, presents unto God (1 Kings 3:3)